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Cesens, the start-up with the greatest potential in La Rioja at the Emprende XXI Awards

Agricultura 5.0

Find out what your crops need

Precisely monitor the state of your crops


Optimise production and reduce costs by improving crop management.

With Cesens® you will be able to have all the information in real time about your crops to make the right decisions.

cesens logos enfermedades
Apply treatments only when necessary

Cesens® allows you to know the risk of pest and disease infection.

cesens logos enfermedades
Irrigate your plots in the optimal measure and at the optimal moment.

Cesens monitors water stress and/or volumetric water content in soil.


Cesens® has a powerful and fully configurable alert system.


Cesens® allows you to set up periodic reports with the information you need.


It monitors agro-climatic variables and the phenological state.


Check your historical data. You can even compare them with those of previous seasons.

Some characteristics


Cesens® dispone de un API que facilita la integración de la información agroclimática con otros sistemas como ERPs o cuadernos de campo.


Monitoriza todo el espectro agroclimático en tus cultivos: mantente al día del estado del clima, de tus plantas y de los suelos de tus parcelas.

Climate, plant and soil

Uno de nuestros rasgos diferenciadores es que mantenemos una colaboración estrecha con nuestros clientes y resolvemos las incidencias rápidamente.

Quality support

Mantenemos Cesens® en constante desarrollo para entregarte mejoras y nuevas funcionalidades constantemente.

Continuous improvement

Las estaciones Cesens® generan su propia energía y envían los datos automáticamente para que no tengas que preocuparte de nada.

Autonomous stations

Nuestras estaciones envían los datos por sí mismas a la Plataforma Cloud Cesens®, sin necesidad de dispositivos adicionales.

Direct sending of data

Trabajamos para entregarte la máxima funcionalidad de la manera más sencilla posible: accede a la información que te interesa sin perder tiempo.

The simplest application

Cesens® cuenta con aplicaciones web y móvil que puedes utilizar dependiendo de tus necesidades o preferencias.

Web and mobile environment

No sólo te damos información registrada por estaciones, sino que también ponemos a tu disposición datos de previsión meteorológica.

Weather forecast

Controla la evolución de tus cultivos: analiza y compara la temporada actual con anteriores y saca con conclusiones que te ayuden a mejorar.

Phenological monitoring

Get our system absolutely free

Thanks to our digital kit you can get our system totally free of charge.

digital kit - Riego kit

Kit Riego

Get it for free
withnuestro kit Digital
kit digital Kit clima

Kit Clima

Get it for free
with our Digital Kit
digital kit - sanitary - Disease kit

Disease Kit

Get it for free
with our Digital Kit


Some of the customers who already trust in Cesens®.


Blog – Cesens News

Consult and comment on the Agriculture 5.0 Blog

Interview with Aritz Espinosa. Agriculture 4.0

Interview with Aritz Espinosa. Agriculture 4.0

In the field of agriculture, a series of important transformations have taken place from the agriculture 1.0, which integrated mechanization and steam engines, agriculture 2.0, marked by electricity, agriculture 3.0, characterized by robotics and automation, to the...

Oídio Detection Project. Cesens in the media

Oídio Detection Project. Cesens in the media

The Oidium detection project aimed to reduce by 20% the application of phytosanitary products at source.  In 2018, a reduction of between 20% and 50% in the number of treatments was achieved in 67% of the plots tested. The promoter of this project was the Rioja Group,...

Use Cesens® free of charge


You can now use Cesens® applications to consult data from 1800 public stations. Download the app and register.

Access the Cesens® APP

Visualise agro-climatic data of your crops from your computer or mobile device.
